Monday, July 27, 2009

I haven't really blogged since high school, BUT I've been inspired by reading law/med school blogs (in prep for my life) to start one for Robert and I since we're about to start on this ridiculously crazy journey of ours.

Yes, I realize we aren't married or engaged.

Robert started med school today. I seriously can't believe it's already here. I feel like we've been talking about this forever and now it starts. I am SO excited for Robert. While I think this is going to make our lives somewhat complicated, I'm excited he gets to do something he's so passionate about!

Worries as of this point for both of us:

1. The "stress"- Everyone keeps telling us we're in for a long ride. I'm sure we are BUT I'm so glad that we have the love and support of both of our families and that everyone is here in Atlanta. I think that will make things so much more enjoyable.

2. Money- Living off of one salary for the first 4 years- then barely minimum wage for 7+ years...YIKES! (thanks for keeping us well fed mom and dad)

3. Friends- I love the few friends I have here- most of them are from high school since we grew up here. I would love to meet some other couples who are going through the same stuff we are. Really, unless they have a significant other/spouse that's in grad school and in debt, they just won't understand. I need some broke, med-school girlfriends to hang out with. Or Val (her husband is starting law school next month) but she's in Birmingham.

Worries aside, I am so excited to see what the future holds. Can't wait to hear about what Robert's first day was like tonight!


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