Thursday, February 25, 2010

Meanwhile, back on the ranch

Wow. I completely forgot we had this.

Life has been completely insane. I've really grown into my position at work and am pretty consistently working 12-13 hour days. I'm completely exhausted but hopefully it will all pay off at some point. I've had friends say they're worried about how much I work. I'm on the go 24/7

Robert is loving school, and he's doing really well. Despite my attempts to reach out to his classmates- still don't really have friends in Robert's class. The people we spend the most time with are the guys that live in our complex. They're in Robert's study group so he spends a lot of time with them. No couples. No girls really. I've made attempts but it's pretty clear that we have very little in common other than Robert. Nice girls though- strange at times, but very nice.

I'm so glad his class is so down to earth- I was so worried it would be full of arrogant jerks and so far we've both seen very little of that. A bunch of his classmates wound up coming to my birthday bash so that was pretty awesome. It was cool to have them in my element hanging with my friends a little. Most of the time I'm doing med school stuff.

Robert was thinking of buying a house and were hindered by the fact that we really have NO CLUE where he'll be a resident. That is not even close to reality for me at this point. I really have no clue what I'd do if he were forced into residency anywhere outside of Atlanta or Nashville. It's so hard for me to think of us being anywhere else but I guess at some point I should prepare myself for the possibility. It 100% freaks me out to think about that. I know he knows I want to be here (because both of our families are here) but I also know, at the end of the day, he is matched. SO, with that said, since he's only an M1, he has some time to make great connections here. We are fortunate enough to have grown up here and have a lot of friends who have parents in medicine. Hopefully he can make some connections.

We have our first formal tomorrow (aka med school prom)- appropriately named "Cadaver Ball". Should be fun. I got a gift certificate in an event gift bag a few months ago for a makeup application, so I'm forcing myself to leave work early to indulge myself.

I should really find my friends on here...this thing is pretty useless so far.