Friday, November 5, 2010

"You know what gives me the red ass?"

Being safe. The people who take risks often fail more than the people who take risks, but when they succeed, they succeed big.

I refuse to sit down and shut up. That's probably a blessing and a curse in this business. A blessing because I think that gives me a competitive advantage to succeed. A curse, because so many people don't and won't listen to someone they don't think is deserving.

I've been told so many times that I have great ideas and great ambition...but that's where it seems to stop. If you really believe in me, then put your money where your mouth is. Help me out. Help me expand on these ideas. I'm so lucky to be able to work somewhere where my boss lets me take chances and test out different waters, BUT I've yet to meet a person in my life that says "yeah, that's great, let's figure out how to make that happen".'s a risk. AND the facts are that right now, people don't want to take risks. They've succeeded for themselves and they're comfortable living in that bubble without taking chances on something new, something risky.

I think the cool thing is that we have the opportunity to band together and help each other out...which would be great in theory, until people start drinking the cool-aid and start being rude and moving on from old friendships that might benefit them someday. Yes, you jumped on a project train that was already what? You didn't do the hard work. You didn't lay the groundwork for the future. So who the hell are you? Someone who took the easy out and chooses to drink the cool-aid and ass kiss to your predecessors who, in all likelihood, won't be working with you for too many more years. AND who are living in the "glory days" of music when things were thriving. Things were SO different than they are now. Knowledge and experience of how music came into being such a part of our culture is IMPERATIVE for those of us new to the business to learn. BUT, if we only listen, if we don't take chances and if we don't try to break through what HAS been, we'll never get to where we're going. Some of us will jump on trains already headed in the right direction and many others will spend their lives as music industry admins. Comfortable, secure, boring.

I've scheduled some meetings for next week. One, with a long-time family friend who is a hugely successful businessman. I want to talk to him about the corporate world and the music world, and how they can work together. The general consensus is that you need big money, big labels and big radio to do big things in country music. I don't totally believe that. I think there's a lot you can do with money. Not loans- partial investors...and donations. I think there are people out there that love music and are smart with business and aren't involved in our industry. And I think we're wise to ask them for advice. So I'm doing that next week.

Also trying to meet with a very well-known, very social woman in Atlanta about image. I also think that you don't need someone getting you spots in the paper to make you well-known and respected. I think you need an image overhaul. Someone to take you to parties, get you into their inner circle...and then word travels fast. I'm going to see what she thinks. Networking is so crazy important and if you have someone on your team designated to help you network and be in the Atlanta public spotlight...even better.

A co-worker said to me last night that every once in a while he kicks himself for being "too respectful" to other people's opinions when his gut is telling him it's not right direction to take. I know this feeling all too well. And it is frustrating to know something won't work out but to give up the battle and let people explore. Sometimes that's good...sometimes not so much. I've been thinking a lot about a specific time within the past 6 months that I did stand up and voice my concerns...and no one agreed with me. Wondering if I made a mistake by not standing up it more time. Kind of pisses me off. Not a great feeling.