Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The First Month

Well, it's been a little over a month and I can't say a whole lot has changed- except our utilities have gone WAY down since both of us are gone during the day ( a huge plus!)

We spent pretty much every weekend the first month doing M1 stuff, which has been interesting. I think he has a pretty good group of people in his class. I definitely don't get the drama vibe from his class- nerdy? yes. Drama? not so much. Maybe it's still too early for that. The girls I've met so far are really sweet. We haven't found any dating couples in our position. Either people are married and never show up for events or single and out all the time. Since we don't fit into either, we generally pregame with the med school, then head home or hang out with our friends from high school.

I had my first feeling of weirdness- I was reading Robert's syllabus for his physical exam lab (chest up-nothing invasive) and they are paired with partners for the semester. The dress code is gym shorts for guys and either a bikini or gym shorts and a sports bra for girls. SERIOUSLY? Make me gag. Robert might have to do physicals on his girl CLASSMATES in bikinis? That's not awkward at all. I get exams on random people, but classmates? weird. I lucked out and he got paired with a guy.

Overall things are good, the apartment is starting to come together. I really want a new couch set...and we're talking about a new tv. We'll see if it happens or not. My guess is not but maybe I'll have it within a year or so.

We're going to our first doctor dinner next weekend. Some Emory doctor invited over to his house for a dinner with some of his colleagues. Should be fun- I'm looking forward to it.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

oh, quality time

I feel like I'm going to have a love/hate relationship with my love language: quality time. Starting to get a hint of that this week.

We need 2 things:
1. A routine- this won't happen for a few weeks until a regular class cycle starts
2. To learn how to effectively be each others "support system"

The deans gave the M1's a lecture on the importance of support systems through the medical journey-really, the whole thing is pretty ridiculous until you're way past your prime. Anyways, they told him that you need to take a look around, take time to think about who the most important people are in your life and stick with those people through everything. Robert after telling me this says "you're my system". Cute. I love it. I think that goes both ways- I'll need him to support me emotionally through all this-especially when his schedule goes nuts. Next step: figuring out how to do that. I see texts, emails, post-its and mirror messages in my future. Flowers are always welcome :)- just kidding B...kinda.

We have our first M1 event tomorrow night- cookout at our complex. Friday night-pub crawl. Nothing says "lets be friends" like drinking one too many martinis and singing neil diamond.

Dear maddy, move home.
Val- camp out at lakewood every weekend for the rest of the month so I can see you.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 1

Today was tight. Met some cool peeps. Gonna be a long haul, but well worth it. Lunch was not that tight, but free food is better than no food (got stuck with a veggie sub). Desk looks good-thanks Caroline, but took way too long (note to self: read directions before building). Overall, we're excited.

I haven't really blogged since high school, BUT I've been inspired by reading law/med school blogs (in prep for my life) to start one for Robert and I since we're about to start on this ridiculously crazy journey of ours.

Yes, I realize we aren't married or engaged.

Robert started med school today. I seriously can't believe it's already here. I feel like we've been talking about this forever and now it starts. I am SO excited for Robert. While I think this is going to make our lives somewhat complicated, I'm excited he gets to do something he's so passionate about!

Worries as of this point for both of us:

1. The "stress"- Everyone keeps telling us we're in for a long ride. I'm sure we are BUT I'm so glad that we have the love and support of both of our families and that everyone is here in Atlanta. I think that will make things so much more enjoyable.

2. Money- Living off of one salary for the first 4 years- then barely minimum wage for 7+ years...YIKES! (thanks for keeping us well fed mom and dad)

3. Friends- I love the few friends I have here- most of them are from high school since we grew up here. I would love to meet some other couples who are going through the same stuff we are. Really, unless they have a significant other/spouse that's in grad school and in debt, they just won't understand. I need some broke, med-school girlfriends to hang out with. Or Val (her husband is starting law school next month) but she's in Birmingham.

Worries aside, I am so excited to see what the future holds. Can't wait to hear about what Robert's first day was like tonight!